The Best Of Influencer Marketing: Dos And Don’ts

March 21, 2023 By 0
Influencer Marketing. Do's and Dont's
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The Best Of Influencer Marketing: Dos And Don’ts. Influencer marketing has become a popular marketing strategy for businesses to reach their target audience through social media. However, navigating the complex world of influencer marketing can be challenging, especially with the constantly evolving trends and platforms. Here are some dos and don’ts to help you navigate the world of influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing – Dos

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Influencer Marketing

Do your research

Before working with an influencer, do your research to ensure they align with your brand values and have a genuine following.

When considering working with an influencer, it’s important to do your research and ensure that they align with your brand values and have a genuine following. Here are some aspects to consider when conducting research:

  1. Audience demographics: Research the influencer’s audience demographics to ensure they align with your target audience. You can use analytics tools on social media platforms to obtain this information.
  2. Content quality: Review the influencer’s content quality to ensure that it aligns with the standards of your brand. This includes checking the quality of their photography, videos, and overall aesthetic.
  3. Engagement rates: Look at the influencer’s engagement rates to determine how active and engaged their followers are. High engagement rates indicate that their followers are interested in their content and are likely to engage with sponsored content as well.
  4. Reputation: Check the influencer’s reputation by reviewing their past collaborations and interactions with their followers. Look for any negative feedback or controversies that may impact your brand’s image.
  5. Authenticity: Determine whether the influencer’s content and style align with your brand’s values and message. Ensure that the influencer’s sponsored content feels authentic and not forced.

By conducting thorough research, you can ensure that the influencer you choose to work with aligns with your brand values and has a genuine following. This will ultimately lead to a more successful and authentic influencer marketing campaign.

Do set clear objectives and KPIs

Clearly define your objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your influencer campaign to measure success.

When planning an influencer marketing campaign, it’s important to set clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Here’s why:

  1. Define success: Clear objectives and KPIs help you define what success looks like for your campaign. This allows you to measure progress and make adjustments as needed to achieve your goals.
  2. Align goals: Clear objectives and KPIs help ensure that your influencer marketing campaign aligns with your overall marketing strategy and business goals. This helps ensure that your investment in influencer marketing is not wasted.
  3. Evaluate performance: By setting specific KPIs, you can evaluate the performance of your influencer marketing campaign objectively. This helps you determine the ROI of your campaign and assess its overall effectiveness.
  4. Optimize campaigns: Clear objectives and KPIs also enable you to optimize your influencer marketing campaigns. Based on the KPIs and performance data, you can make data-driven decisions to improve future campaigns and achieve better results.

When setting objectives and KPIs for your influencer marketing campaign, ensure that they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This will help you clearly define success and ensure that your campaign aligns with your overall marketing strategy and business goals. Examples of KPIs for influencer marketing campaigns include engagement rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and sales generated from the campaign.

Influencer Marketing – Do be authentic

Be authentic in your approach and let the influencer express themselves in a way that feels natural to their followers.

Authenticity is key when it comes to influencer marketing. Consumers are more likely to engage with and trust an influencer who they perceive as being genuine and authentic. Here are some ways to ensure authenticity in your influencer marketing campaign:

  1. Allow creative freedom: Let the influencer express themselves in a way that feels natural to their followers. By giving them creative freedom, they can create content that resonates with their audience, and in turn, with your target audience.
  2. Align values: Work with influencers who share the same values as your brand. This ensures that their messaging and content align with your brand values and feels authentic to both their followers and your target audience.
  3. Disclose sponsored content: Be transparent with your audience and the influencer’s audience by disclosing sponsored content. This ensures that the influencer’s followers understand that the content they are viewing is a paid partnership, and it maintains the trust between the influencer and their followers.
  4. Be genuine: Work with influencers who genuinely enjoy your brand and are excited to promote it. This enthusiasm will come across in their content and resonate with their followers.
  5. Avoid over-branding: Avoid excessive branding in your influencer marketing campaign. This can come across as inauthentic and can detract from the influencer’s personal brand.

By being authentic in your approach, you can create an influencer marketing campaign that feels genuine and resonates with both the influencer’s audience and your target audience. This can lead to increased engagement, trust, and ultimately, better results for your brand.

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Influencer Marketing

Do create valuable content

Provide the influencer with creative freedom to create valuable content that resonates with their followers.

When working with an influencer, it’s important to provide them with creative freedom to create valuable content that resonates with their followers. Here are some ways to ensure that the content created is valuable:

  1. Know the audience: Before creating content, it’s important to understand the influencer’s audience. Research their interests, behaviors, and needs to ensure that the content created is relevant and valuable to them.
  2. Align with brand messaging: The content created should align with your brand messaging and values. This ensures that the content feels authentic and reinforces your brand’s message.
  3. Highlight benefits: The content should highlight the benefits of your product or service in a way that is valuable and informative to the influencer’s audience.
  4. Be creative: Encourage the influencer to be creative and come up with unique ideas for content creation. This allows them to create content that stands out and resonates with their audience.
  5. Mix it up: Consider using different formats for content creation, such as videos, blog posts, and social media posts, to keep the content fresh and engaging.

By providing the influencer with creative freedom to create valuable content, you can ensure that the content resonates with their audience and promotes your brand in a way that feels authentic and genuine. This can lead to increased engagement and ultimately, better results for your brand.

Do disclose sponsored content

Follow the guidelines set by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and make sure to disclose sponsored content.

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) requires that all sponsored content be disclosed to consumers. Failure to disclose sponsored content can lead to fines and legal repercussions for both the influencer and the brand. Here are some ways to ensure that sponsored content is disclosed properly:

  1. Follow FTC guidelines: The FTC guidelines require that sponsored content is clearly disclosed to consumers. This can be done through hashtags like #ad, #sponsored, or #paid, or by using a disclosure statement at the beginning of a post or in the post caption.
  2. Be transparent: Transparency is key when it comes to sponsored content. Disclose the sponsorship upfront and be honest with your audience about the nature of the partnership.
  3. Educate influencers: Educate the influencers you work with about FTC guidelines and the importance of disclosure. Ensure that they understand the guidelines and how to properly disclose sponsored content.
  4. Monitor compliance: Regularly monitor influencer content to ensure that they are disclosing sponsored content properly. This helps to prevent any legal or reputational issues that may arise from non-compliance.

By following the guidelines set by the FTC and properly disclosing sponsored content, you can ensure that your influencer marketing campaign is compliant with regulations and maintains the trust of your audience. This can lead to increased engagement, brand awareness, and ultimately, better results for your brand.

Influencer Marketing – Don’ts:

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Influencer Marketing Don’ts

Don’t focus solely on follower count

While follower count is important, it’s not the only factor that determines the success of an influencer campaign. Look for engagement rates and other metrics to gauge the influencer’s effectiveness.

Follower count is often considered a key metric when selecting influencers for a marketing campaign, but it’s not the only factor to consider. Here are some reasons why focusing solely on follower count can be a mistake:

  1. Fake followers: Many influencers buy fake followers to increase their follower count. This means that follower count may not accurately reflect the size of their actual audience.
  2. Engagement rates: Engagement rates are a better indicator of an influencer’s effectiveness than follower count. An influencer with a smaller audience but high engagement rates may be more effective than an influencer with a large audience but low engagement rates.
  3. Niche audiences: Influencers with smaller audiences that are highly engaged and passionate about a specific niche may be more effective at reaching a target audience than a larger influencer with a more general audience.
  4. Brand alignment: Focusing solely on follower count may lead to choosing an influencer that doesn’t align with your brand or target audience.
  5. Return on investment: Choosing an influencer based solely on follower count may not provide the best return on investment. A smaller influencer with high engagement rates may provide a better return on investment than a larger influencer with lower engagement rates.

When selecting influencers for your marketing campaign, it’s important to consider factors beyond follower count. Look for influencers with high engagement rates, a strong alignment with your brand values, and a niche audience that matches your target audience. By focusing on these factors, you can create a more effective and successful influencer marketing campaign.

Influencer Marketing – Don’t micromanage

Trust the influencer to create content that resonates with their followers. Micromanaging can take away from the authenticity of the campaign.

Micromanaging an influencer can be detrimental to the success of an influencer campaign. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Inauthenticity: Micromanaging an influencer can take away from the authenticity of the campaign. Influencers are successful because they have established a genuine connection with their audience. By micromanaging the content they create, you risk undermining this connection.
  2. Limited creativity: Influencers are creative individuals who know their audience better than anyone. Micromanaging can limit their creativity and prevent them from creating content that resonates with their audience.
  3. Time-consuming: Micromanaging an influencer is time-consuming and can take away from other important aspects of the campaign, such as tracking results and analyzing data.
  4. Damage to relationships: Micromanaging an influencer can damage the relationship between the influencer and the brand. It can create a negative work environment and decrease the likelihood of future collaborations.

Instead of micromanaging an influencer, it’s important to establish clear guidelines and expectations for the campaign. Provide the influencer with creative freedom and trust them to create content that resonates with their audience while staying true to the brand’s values. By doing so, you can create a more authentic campaign that engages the audience and achieves better results.

Don’t overlook the importance of contracts

Have a written agreement with the influencer that outlines expectations, compensation, and disclosure requirements.

Contracts are an essential part of any influencer marketing campaign. Here’s why:

  1. Expectations: A contract outlines the expectations of both the brand and the influencer, including deliverables, timelines, and content guidelines. This helps to ensure that both parties are on the same page and know what is expected of them.
  2. Compensation: A contract clearly outlines the compensation to be paid to the influencer. This includes the fee for the campaign, as well as any additional expenses, such as travel and accommodations.
  3. Disclosure requirements: A contract should also outline the disclosure requirements for sponsored content, as required by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This helps to ensure that the brand and influencer are in compliance with regulations and can avoid any potential legal issues.
  4. Legal protection: A contract provides legal protection for both the brand and the influencer. It ensures that both parties are aware of their rights and obligations and can help to avoid any potential disputes.
  5. Professionalism: Having a written contract adds an element of professionalism to the influencer campaign. It shows that both the brand and the influencer are serious about the collaboration and that they take their respective roles seriously.

In summary, contracts are an essential part of any influencer marketing campaign. They help to ensure that both the brand and the influencer are on the same page, that both parties are in compliance with regulations, and that both parties are legally protected. By taking the time to create a detailed contract, brands can ensure that their influencer campaigns are successful and professional.

Influencer Marketing – Don’t forget to measure ROI

Measure the return on investment (ROI) of your influencer campaign to determine its effectiveness and make improvements for future campaigns.

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) of your influencer campaign is crucial for determining its effectiveness and making improvements for future campaigns. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Identifying successful strategies: By measuring the ROI of your influencer campaign, you can identify which strategies and tactics worked best and which did not. This allows you to focus on successful strategies in future campaigns and avoid those that were less effective.
  2. Justifying budget: Measuring the ROI of your influencer campaign can help justify the budget allocated to it. By demonstrating the campaign’s effectiveness, you can show stakeholders the value of influencer marketing and secure future investment.
  3. Evaluating influencer performance: Measuring ROI allows you to evaluate the performance of individual influencers. You can see which influencers generated the most engagement, which were the most cost-effective, and which were the most successful in achieving campaign objectives.
  4. Tracking progress: By measuring ROI over time, you can track the progress of your influencer marketing efforts. This helps you to identify trends, see the impact of changes in strategy, and make adjustments as needed.

In order to measure ROI, it’s important to establish clear objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your influencer campaign. You can then track these metrics over time to determine the success of the campaign. Some common metrics used to measure influencer campaign ROI include engagement rates, reach, conversions, and revenue generated.

In summary, measuring the ROI of your influencer campaign is essential for determining its effectiveness, making improvements for future campaigns, and justifying budget allocation. By setting clear objectives and KPIs and tracking relevant metrics, brands can evaluate the success of their campaigns and make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

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Influencer Marketing

Don’t neglect to track and analyze data

Track and analyze data from your influencer campaigns to understand what works and what doesn’t, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Tracking and analyzing data from influencer campaigns is important for understanding the impact of the campaign and making adjustments to improve future campaigns. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Identifying successful campaigns: By tracking and analyzing data from previous campaigns, brands can identify which campaigns were successful and which ones were not. This helps them to replicate successful campaigns and avoid repeating mistakes in future campaigns.
  2. Understanding audience behavior: Tracking and analyzing data allows brands to gain insight into audience behavior. They can see which types of content resonate with their target audience, what times of day their audience is most active, and which platforms their audience prefers.
  3. Evaluating influencer performance: By tracking data, brands can evaluate the performance of individual influencers. They can see which influencers generated the most engagement, which were the most cost-effective, and which were the most successful in achieving campaign objectives.
  4. Making data-driven decisions: By analyzing data, brands can make data-driven decisions about future influencer campaigns. They can adjust their strategy based on what they have learned from previous campaigns, and make decisions based on real data rather than guesswork.

To track and analyze data from influencer campaigns, brands can use various tools such as social media analytics platforms or influencer marketing software. Some common metrics to track include engagement rates, reach, impressions, and conversions.

In summary, tracking and analyzing data from influencer campaigns is essential for understanding what works and what doesn’t and adjusting your strategy accordingly. By using data to inform decision-making, brands can create more effective campaigns and achieve better results.

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